iNRiFy AlwaysN License(*)
API documentation or Chat
Effective (LU): 28-12-2023 20:48 (IST)
To use this software API following conditions, need to be satisfied:
- You can use this software API for any purpose aligning with iNRiFy, if you are a non-profit, non-commercial person, or an NGO.
-, Inc. and its AI model AlwaysN are not responsible for any consequences or damages resulting from the use of this software.
- Do not attempt to reverse engineer or decompile the software API, else.
- This API license is perpetual and applies to any version of the software.
-, Inc. reserves the right to change the terms of this license in future versions of the software API.
If you want to use AlwaysN, and you are not a non-profit org., non-commercial person, or an NGO. Then, Get a `specified brand license for usage of AlwaysN API` click here
Hover on underlined text, to know more